Easy English Words that are always Mispronounced


Hi friends, I am Niharika and welcome back to a new lesson. Well English as a language

is made up of thousands and lakhs of words, am I right? And then there are certain words

which are mispronounced not by the English learners but also by English native speakers.

So this happens because there are various accents that people talk with and also they

just pronounce words incorrectly but that's unintentionally. So in today's lesson I have

around 12 words for you which are commonly mispronounced. We're gonna look at the Spelling's

and we are gonna look at the correct pronunciation.

So let's have a look at the first word which isalmond’. Well the dry fruit. The healthy

dry fruit that you should eat every morning. People usually tend to pronounce it asal-mond

but that is incorrect. The correct pronunciation of this dry fruit isah-mund’. So in

this word the letter ‘L’ is silent and the correct pronunciation isah-mund’.

I eat almonds every morning, okay? So that's how youre supposed to pronounce this word.

Let's move on to another word which is commonly mispronounceddengue’. Now dengue is

the mosquito-borne disease. It's very annoying because people end up having high fever, they

also suffer from severe body ache and it's quite disturbing. So this disease is pronounced

as dengue. Very commonly people pronounce it asdengoobut that's incorrect. The

correct pronunciation isden-geeand not dengoo, okay? So the next time you come

across someone who is suffering from this mosquito-borne disease and you're gonna say,

Oh no! She has dengue.” Okay?

Let's move on to another word which is quite tricky. Many of us do get confused when we

end up reading it, we just don't know how to exactly pronounce it. So it'slingerie’.

Now there are two ways of pronouncing this word, one is the way the Brits do it and the

other is the American way. So first let's look at the British way, we gonna divide this

word into part, now this is how the Brits pronounce itslon-zuh-rie’, okay? Whereas

the Americans pronounce it as lingerie. So it goes like thislawn-zuh-ray’, okay?

So these are the two pronunciations so please don't get confused, it's notlin-ga-ri’.

Many people do get confused it is eitherlawn-zuh-rayor it'slon-zuh-rie’, okay? That's the

innerwear for all the women. All right?

Let's move on to another word which isFebruary’, the second month of the year. Now many people

drop the letter ‘R’ and they pronounce it asFebuary’, that's incorrect. So

make sure that you do pronounce the letter ‘R’. I know this month, pronouncing this

month is a little tricky, okay? People just fumble and people end up sayingFebuary

but it's notFebuaryit is February. So make sure that you add the letter R means

you pronounce the letter R when you're saying this word, okay?

Let's move on to another word which isWednesday’. Hmm you thought you got this right? Many people

especially kids, when we learn the days of the week, Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayWell

don't go with the spelling. This is the spelling of the word Wednesday however the way you

pronounce this isWens-day’, okay? So when you ask the questionwhenokay,

that's how it's pronounced, ‘Wens-dayand notWed-nes-day’, all right?

Let's move on to another common word which is mispronounced by many of us which isArctic’.

Now people end up dropping the letter ‘C’. The cold, the extremely cold region. People

end up saying, Ah! TheArticregion or theArticregion is so cold, it's

extremely cold weather that people face. But it is not aartic’, you need to add or

you need to pronounce the letter ‘C’ here. So the way people pronounce itartic

that's incorrect. The correct pronunciation is by pronouncing the letter ‘C’ here

which isArctic’, okay? So it'sArcticregion, alright?

Let's move on to another word which isespresso’. Yes, the strong black coffee that totally

energizes you. So many people say I would like to have anexpressoshot. But it's

notexpressoit isespresso’. Where does the X come from? It is pronounced just

the way it is written. So it ises’, so you will pronounce it asespresso’.

I would like to have a shot of espresso and not expresso, okay?

Let's move on to another word which isPlumber’. Who is a plumber? The one who fixes your pipes,

the sewage tanks, the drainageYes, he's quite an important man so it's important for

you to pronounce this word correctly too so it's notplum-berbut it is plumber.

So here again the letter ‘B’ is silent. So the correct pronunciation isplumer’.

Though it is spelled with the letter ‘B’, however the way you pronounce it, it'splumer’,


Let's move on to another word which isdebris’. Well what is debris? Debris is the rubbish,

the scattered pieces of rubbish. So now if you look at the spelling you see the letter

‘S’ and then you wonder that why am I not pronouncing the letter S? Because here

the letter ‘S’ goes silent, okay? You need not pronounce the letter ‘S’ here.

And the correct pronunciation of this word would bedeb-ree’, okay? And it's not

deb-ris’, that's how people pronounce it. But that's incorrect, okay?

Let's move on to another word which issour’. “This lemon is so sour.” Yes, so when

you talk about sour, many people pronounce it assar’. Mmm that's sosar’.

But that's incorrect too. The correct pronunciation issour’. Like the wordpowerso

it rhymes with the wordpower’, so it'ssourthat's how you pronounce this word,


Let's move on to another word which iscoupon’. Now many people pronounce it ascu-pn’,

that's incorrect. It's notcu-pnbut it iscu-pawnso it goes like this,

okay? Just the way you pronounce the wordlawn’, so it rhymes with the wordlawn’.

So it goes likepawn’. Okay, so it'scoupon’, okay the discount vouchers,

yes, we all love to receive or to have coupons, right? It saves money. So it's notcu-pn’,

okay? It's notcu-pn’, that's incorrect the correct pronunciation iscu-pawn’,

okay? I would love to have some coupons.

And then the last one is the deliciouspizza’. Yes, many people pronounce it aspiza

and that's incorrect. “I would like to have some margherita cheese pizza.” So the correct

pronunciation is notpizabut it ispeet-zahokay? ‘peet-zahso here

thepeetwill be rhyming withwheat’. So it rhymes with the wordwheatand

then you saypeet’. So it'speet-zah’, alright? That's the correct pronunciation.

So these are the twelve words which are commonly mispronounced. The best way to learn them

is keep practicing. And I'll be back with a new lesson soon, till then you take care.