Speak in English | TELL TIME Correctly - Everything You Need to Know!


Welcome to today's lesson! It's all about: Telling Time. Two o'clock, half-past four,

6:30, quarter to nine, 21:00, noon. What!?!? I'm Arnel from Arnel's Everyday English and

today you will become super confident in telling time in English.

Here I have a clock. Remember, this is a clock and this is a watch. There's a difference!

What time is it? It's one o'clock. What time is it? It's two o'clock. What time is

it? It's three o'clock. What time is it? It's four o'clock. You get the idea.

In English when we speak about the time we always say it is. Contracted, it's. It's

five o'clock. It's six o'clock. It's seven o'clock. It's twelve o'clock. If you need

to be very specific, we can say AM and PM. But normally when you're speaking it's

obvious. Okay, Arnel I need you here tomorrow at 6:00. 6:00? Perfect!

See you tomorrow! 6:00 a.m. a.m.!? 12 o'clock.

It's time for lunch. Maybe not in your country but in the USA and in the UK

twelve o'clock is lunch time. We can also say noon.

12 o'clock in the afternoon is noon. I'll see you tomorrow at noon. What time is it?

Twelve o'clock, it's midnight! I went to bed at midnight. Let's get more specific.

We have a very simple way, there's also a more confusing way, but actually this is

very easy. Let's go through both step-by- step. I have my clock, I'm going to use a

digital clock here. Now it's One Oh Five. We pronounce the zero, OH. Now it's One Ten. Now

it's One Fifteen. It's One Twenty. It's One Forty Five. You always read the time from left to right,

with every time. It's Eight Twenty. It's Seven Thirty. It's Four Twenty Two. It's Ten Ten. It's

Three Fifty Five. But of course there's another way, let's take a look! I have my clock, this

part is past, this part is to.

Now let's have the hour hand at One. It's five past One. Ten past One. It's Quarter Past

One. Fifteen is always Quarter Past. It's Twenty Past One. It's Twenty Five Past One. It's Half

Past One. Thirty is always Half Past. Let's continue.

It's Twenty Five To Two. It's Twenty To Two. It's Quarter To Two.

Forty Five is always Quarter To. It's Ten To Two. It's Five To Two. Now it's To. Always

remember, Quarter Past, Half Past, Quarter To. Now, it's Two Twenty Eight. Is it really necessary to

be so specific? Usually, no. It's Around Two Thirty. It's around Half Past Two.

Whenever we're telling time you could always use Around to give a general

period. I'll see you tomorrow Around Nine. This could mean Ten To Nine.

This could mean Ten Past Nine. Around Nine. At. Of course when we tell

the time we say It Is. Now it is two. Now it is four. But we use At when we want to say

when an activity starts, or ends. My English lesson starts At nine in the

morning. It finishes At eleven in the morning.

Many of our phones, computers schedules, etc... Use the 24-hour clock. But in English

for example, we would only say three o'clock, we wouldn't say fifteen o'clock - 16 o'clock.

Three o'clock, four o'clock. That's normal.

Only in a military-type situation would you read out the numbers Twenty One Hundred. Oh

One Hundred. What time is it? Do you have the time? These are two

different ways to ask for the time. We do not say: How late is it? Arnel, how late

is it?

You have been fantastic! In the comments below tell me what time it is, I want to

know when you watched this video! Please SUBSCRIBE, and I'll see you very soon for

another video!
