Why Can’t You Speak English Fluently? 4 Practical Tips To Become Fluent In English Fast


You can read english you can write english and you can also understand English but when it comes

to speaking well you really struggle to speak fluent english don't you so basically this lesson

is for all english learners because as a teacher i know that this is a very common problem where

english learners are very discouraged they tell me that speaking is very difficult

reading writing listening well they can manage that but speaking it seems to be quite difficult

now i have trained many students over many years and i have worked very hard to find the right way

to fix this problem so this is not gonna be a regular video i'm not here to tell you to learn

english in seven days i'm not here to tell you to read another book memorize a new word

or learn some new words no none of that these things don't really work i'm here to offer you

really practical tips and if you follow them you will see that your fluency will skyrocket because

fluent english requires you to have a separate set of skills you cannot use your skills for reading

writing and listening to speak fluent english so watch this video until the end because you

don't want to miss any of these important tips and these important skills that will help you speak

english like a native speaker so let's fix this problem


Okay now we're going to first understand what you are doing wrong because in order to fix a problem

you need to know what the problem is right okay so let's see why reading listening and writing does

not translate into the ability of speaking well why let's see why when you read when you write

and when you listen you have a lot of time to think about the language that you come across

let's say for example you have read a passage in a book you come across that sentence and you

can spend like five minutes thinking about the sentence structure simple past present continuous

but guess what can you do this while speaking no really speaking requires you to be prepared

with what you want to say at the time that you want to say it so you don't have the time to

think and mull over what you're gonna say so basically you cannot apply this reading skill

of analyzing the language and applying it to your speech it will not work honestly it won't work so

what does that mean it means that you have to learn a new skill to come up with sentences

promptly so what is the skill pay attention here you need to learn

how to build a database of sentences which can be used in a variety of speaking situations

let me help you understand this let's assume you want to get ready for an important event

what do you normally do well for me i would organize my outfit my shoes my makeup i do all of

this a day in advance so that i look really good for that important event correct well similarly

you need to organize your language in order to be ready for speaking in different situations

so you need to make a list of the different situations that you are going to speak in

so i'll tell you what i did when i was a college student i was learning to speak english fluently

so i would make a list of various situations that i would you know probably face in the day

so in my list uh i kind of included a situation where i spoke to my teachers to ask permission

or to give opinions so in this situation i would make a list of what sentences would i use

okay so let me think for asking permission i would need a sentence with model verbs so i would make

a list of the sentences like would you please help me with or could you go over my assignment

now let's say if i want to give an opinion what kind of sentence structures would i need

i would probably require sentence structures where i'm using the simple present tense

where i can say things like i believe that we can look at things from a different perspective

or i might say something like i think this theory is a great idea however we can in fact even when i

was in college i i did a small you know part-time job which was in sales and um i wanted to make

sure that when i sell a product i would sound like a fluent speaker so again i made my list

so i would include a lot of conditional sentences in that list and i would say something like if you

buy this we will give you a one year warranty so you see depending on the context depending

on the situation i had my list of sentence structures ready ready to speak whenever i

was called upon to do so in any situation that ensured that i was well organized well prepared

and i was ready to speak in real conversations and i did this until it became a habit until i became

fluent yes preparation of what you are going to say in typical situations is a great start

to become fluent and confident as your english becomes much better now this is a tried and

tested method believe me it definitely works prepare and organize your speech

and get ready to deliver when the time comes to actually open your mouth and speak

so what's the other mistake you are making

now the problem is that the sentence structures in texts that are used for reading and writing

are not the same style that you use when you're talking or when you're speaking

so these texts that you read or write they use formal sentence structures on the other hand

spoken english do you speak it very formally or are you more casual are you more natural

right so we need to use natural sounding phrases for example a written text would say something

like the parcel was delivered promptly too formal right but if i were to say this in spoken english

i would not use the passive voice i would say something as simple as they delivered

the parcel on time so the problem is that a lot of learners they try to use the sentence structures

those formal sentence structures in texts and reports and try to apply those in spoken english

the problem is it makes you sound unnatural you don't sound like you're fluent you sound

like you're reading out of a script so what do you do the second skill you learn to rephrase

these sentences and you have to make them sound natural so to do that what you can

do is you can make a list of phrasal verbs for smart english conversations or

you can use a more narrative style of speech when you are talking so make sure you work at

sounding natural don't sound text bookish when you sound natural you will want to speak more

and eventually you will grow in confidence as far as your speaking ability is concerned

okay now we have another reason why reading listening and writing does not help you

with speaking okay so the answer to that is the inequality between the sound and the spelling in

english yes english such a language where the sound and the spelling they don't match right

so you can be great at spelling and reading and writing which is a good thing really

but that does not help you with speaking so what is the skill you should know you should learn

speech sounds when you are able to learn all the speech sounds as opposed to the spellings

you become more confident to use the correctly pronounced words in actual conversations

in fact according to research people who learn good pronunciation through

speech sounds are more confident to speak in conversations in fact we have

a lot of videos on speech sounds and word stress that you must look up to understand this in detail

so go ahead learn speech sounds within the words and don't rely on spelling alone

good pronunciations automatically makes you confident to speak more and get more fluent

and last of all you cannot use the skill of reading listening and writing why because speaking

is not a solo activity i mean think about it you can read by yourself you can listen by yourself

you can write by yourself but speaking can you speak by yourself not a chance so what

does that mean it means that reading listening and writing keep you in your comfort zone but speaking

requires you to step out of your comfort zone and actually put your language skills to the test so

this is really a psychological issue because a lot of people tell me that they are really scared

that people will make fun of them if they make a mistake a lot of my students they get scared

they tell me that they don't know what to say because they feel like they are going to be judged

so their fear and their nervousness does not allow them to come out of the reading writing

and listening mentality but what is the skill you need to know in order to come out of this to take

care of this i would recommend that you record yourself while you were speaking and ask a friend

or a teacher like me to go through the recording after which you must re-record

yourself and correct the mistakes on which you are given feedback remember like i said

speaking is not a solo activity and preparing for speaking is not a solo activity either but when

you prepare yourself by recording what you want to say you will hear enough of yourself to actually

have the confidence to go out and speak in real conversations so go ahead record yourself and get

the confidence to speak fluently well that's it from me on this lesson on how to speak fluently

even though you are probably good at reading writing and listening right now i'm telling you

if you employ these tips and if you put them and practice them regularly you will see a stock

difference in the way you speak now versus your potential to speak fluently i'll be back with some

more lessons keep practicing and tell me how these tips have helped you take care and have a nice day