20 Different Ways To Wish ‘Good Morning’ & 'Good Night' - Alternative English Greetings!


- Hello everyone and welcome back to "English With Lucy."

Today, I am going to teach you 10 alternatives

for good morning and 10 more alternatives for good night.

These are best for informal situations.

A lot of them contain slang

and they are for use with partners, friends, and children.

I have also created a PDF from today's lesson

with all of the vocabulary that you need.

If you want to claim that free PDF,

click on the link in the description box,

enter your name and email address,

and it will be sent straight to your inbox.

Before we get started,

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Right, let's get started with the lesson.

We're going to go through 10 alternatives for good morning.

Good morning is fine,

but sometimes you want to say something thing unique,

or funny, or cute instead.

We have rise and shine.

Rise and shine.

I wonder if there is an equivalent for this one

in your own language.

Share it with me in the comments section

if there is an equivalent.

The next one is very slang.

Don't use this with your boss.

I think it's best suited to use with children,

or if you're trying to be cute with somebody.

It's wakey wakey!

So it's an informal way of saying wake up.

Very commonly used is wakey wakey, sleepyhead.

Sleepyhead is an adorable word that you can use

to describe somebody who is just waking up.

They're still really, really sleepy.

Another one, still using wakey wakey,

is wakey wakey, eggs and bakey.

That is one that will get me up in the morning.

Eggs and bakey, eggs and bacon.

If you've watched any of my vlogs

on my vlogging channel, Lucy Bella,

you will know that I love eggs and bacon for breakfast

in a full English breakfast.

Another cute one that you can use is,

Ah, it's sleeping beauty.

So Sleeping Beauty is the main character

in one of our most popular fairytales,

also named after her, "Sleeping Beauty."

Do you have the same equivalent where you're from?

I know in Spanish it was something like

(speaks in foreign language)

I don't know, everything sounds so much better in Spanish.

Another one that I really like,

and I do this sometimes to Will,

is when he's sleeping, I go really close to his ear

and whisper, very gently, it's tomorrow.

And he's not always so impressed, but I like doing it.

Another really nice one is number six, which is happy,

and then day of the week.

I like it when Will wakes me up

and tells me which day it is,

it really helps me get my brain in check.

Happy Monday.

Well, happy Monday is never that good, but happy Friday.

Oh, I love it when he wakes me up saying, "Happy Friday!"

We also have number seven, which is quite a fun one.

It's supposed to be Irish,

but I think it's actually more of a stereotype.

If anyone here is Irish please let me know,

do you actually say this?

And do you get annoyed when people think that you say this?

In any case, we do use it in a jokey way.

It is, top of the mornin' to ya.

Or just, top of the morning, top of the morning.

Supposedly Irish,

but I don't think I've ever heard an Irishman

or Irishwoman seriously use it.

One that I like, number eight,

could be considered slightly flirty.

It is, good morning good looking.

Good morning good looking.

And it means good morning to someone that is good looking,

or handsome, or beautiful.

Good morning good looking, it just rolls off the tongue.

Number nine is one that my mum used to sing to me

in the morning.

Morning has broken.

And that's because it comes from a very popular hymn

called "Morning Has Broken."

("Morning Has Broken")

What am I doing with my life? (record scratches)

I had to sing hymns at school and this was my favourite one,

I loved shouting it.

Morning has broken!

Dainty and feminine as ever.

And then we have number 10, which I really like,

which is, let's make it a good one.

Let's make it a good one,

implying let's make today a good day.

Sometimes we use one to refer to something

if we know that the other person already knows

what we're referring to.

Let's make it a good one.

Let's make it a good day today.

Or for example, if I'm talking about Will

to someone else and Will is with me,

I might say, "This one was late,"

instead of saying, "He was late."

This one, here.

It's kind of affectionate.

Okay, let's move on to alternatives for good night.

We have, sleep tight.

So instead of sleep well, which is quite nice, quite formal,

sleep tight means all snuggled up, covered in your duvet.

And we can also have the little rhyme

that my mum and my dad used to say to me

before I would go to sleep,

night night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite.

I remember thinking, "Bed bugs, what are they?"

I imagined really cute little bugs

and then when I grew up and experienced bedbugs,

I realised that they were not cute at all.

We also have, sweet dreams.

That's a really nice one.

And we can still talk about sleepyheads

as I mentioned before.

Instead of good morning sleepyhead

or wakey wakey, sleepy head,

we can have night night, sleepyhead.

And night night is kind of a more affectionate

or childish way of saying good night.

I find myself saying night night over good night

all the time.

Night night, or shortened down to ni' night, ni' night.

I have another little rhyme

that my parents used to say to me.

They used to say sleep as snug as a bug in a rug.

I don't know why we always spoke about bugs

before going to sleep.

But as snug as a bug in a rug,

my parents used to tuck me in,

get me all tightly tucked into the duvet.

So I couldn't move my arms, I was like a mummy,

and then they used to ask me, "How snug are you Lucy?"

And I would reply with, I am a snug as a bug in a rug.

Next we have two idioms.

We have to hit the sack.

To hit the sack, this means to fall asleep.

So if I say, oh, it's time to hit the snack snacks.

Time to hit the snacks, that is every day.

No it's time to hit the sack.

It's time to hit the sack, it's time to go to bed.

I think the sack is referring to your pillow.

We also have to hit the hay.

This time, it's referring to animals going to sleep

because they have hay.

Whoa, I need to hit the hay.

Hay is dried grass.

Another one that I find really funny

but I never actually use,

and I will explain why I never use it,

it is, it's time to go to Bedfordshire.

It's time to go to Bedfordshire,

and if you shorten Bedfordshire, bed, time to go to bed.

Bedfordshire is a county in England

and we never use it because I'm from Bedfordshire

and it would be weird to say that I'm going there

when I'm already there.

But I hear people from other counties saying this phrase

and if I ever leave the county I get so excited

because I can finally use that phrase.


Time for the next one.

When you were a child

did your parents ever tell you to count sheep?

Because my parents often did.

And a really nice phrase to say is

it's time to start counting sheep.

It's time to start falling asleep.

And the last one, one that I consider to be quite humorous

is I have an urgent appointment with a bed and a pillow.

Meaning I'm going to bed.

You could also tell someone that as well,

"You've got an urgent appointment with a bed and a pillow."

I love that one.

Right, that's it for today's lesson.

It was cute and fun and informal.

I hope you enjoyed it and I hope you learned something.

Let me know in the comments section

if you can think of any other alternatives

for good morning and good night,

and don't forget to share with me any of the quirks

of your own language as well.

Don't forget to check out Skillshare.

Remember that the first 1000 of my students

to click on the link in the description box

will get a free trial of Skillshare premium membership.

And don't forget to download the PDF for today's lesson.

It contains all of the vocabulary.

And if you would like some further listening practise

you can also watch my vlogging channel,

which has fully subtitled vlogs of my daily life

on an English farm.

You can connect with me on all of my social media.

I've got my Facebook, my Instagram,

and my mailing list.

I will see you soon for another lesson.

(lighthearted music)