Learn English with Mr. Duncan - Lesson 7 (Health & Exercise)




you know the word of English is a fun and exciting place to be

I'm so glad you could join you for another lesson



hi everybody this is mr. Duncan in England

how are you today are you okay I hope so

are you happy I hope so

in today's lesson we will take a look at two aspects of our lives

one is something we take for granted while it is there but miss it terribly

when it has gone

the other is an activity that we are all encouraged to do but few of his seem to

have the time to carry out in this lesson we will take a look at health and



when we talk about our health

we are actually describing two things first we refer to our physical health

the way our body is functioning how well it is working

how all the different parts of your body are functioning then we refer to our

mental health how each one of us feels emotionally how we deal with all of the

problems in our lives

how we see other people around us how we cope with the effects of worry and

stress it would be fair to say that there is a connection between physical

and mental health and that they have the ability to affect each other

if you feel tired after any sudden activity such as getting up from the

sofa and walking a short distance or feeling out of breath after climbing a

few stairs then there is a good chance that you are out of shape

you are unfit your health is poor you are and healthy prolonged inactivity or

situations where you are not moving around much

such as sitting in front of the television driving a car or working in

an office may lead to you becoming unfit the food you eat also decides how fit

you are many of us eat far too much food containing fat and sugar

such as biscuits burgers cheese chocolate and other types of so-called

junk food

over time you will gain weight and become obese your blood pressure will

rise and your heart will be put under strain by all the extra body mass you

will find simple activities more exhausting

if you're unhealthy lifestyle continues over a long period of time you run the

risk of suffering from diseases such as diabetes and your heart will become weak

your chances of dying of a heart attack or stroke greatly increase if you are


there are many words connected to exercise such as aerobics exercise that

makes the heart beat fast through constant body movement

we call this cardiovascular exercise burn this word is used to express the

energy being used up during exercise recreation a general word for any

exercise or leisure activity keep fit the act of taking exercise or following

a course of exercise routines work out a strenuous tiring exercise session

focusing on certain parts of the body such as the muscles in your arms legs

chest and abdomen

there are many different types of exercise for the body to perform and

which one you do depends on how fit you are and what you are trying to achieve

from the exercise there is light exercise such as walking stretching or

just generally moving about

if you do a job where you are always on the move

then you are not only working you are keeping fit as well then there is

moderate exercise a light jog or a fast walk will make you sweat a little

and it will provide a good session of exercise to make your hard work and help

your joint stay flexible and simple

then there is vigorous or strenuous exercise

this is what really breaks you into a sweat for example a long run will really

make your body work and you will be able to feel the effects of this exercise


you can have a work out at a gym or health spa lifting heavy objects such as

weights do not only keep you fit

they also help you to build up your body

there are many simple exercises for keeping fit and healthy

the most popular ones include walking

yes just go for a walk walk to the end of your street then around the corner

across the field up the hill and back down again walk in a big circle around

the streets and along the roads keep on walking until you arrive back home

oh you can also jog jogging is quicker than walking

but not as fast as running you can jog to the end of your street then around

the corner across the field up the hill and back down again jog in a big circle

around the streets and along the roads who keep on jogging until you arrive

back home

all you can go for a run

how do you running is much faster than jogging

he can make you feel very tired so we went to the end of the street then

around the corner across the field up the hill back down again

run in a big circle around the streets and along the roads keep on running

until you arrive back home

the way you take care of your health depends on many different factors the

things you put into your body such as alcohol and cigarette smoke have the

ability to affect the way your body functions alcohol damages the brain and

liver while cigarettes cause damage to your lungs

the combination of both can lead to many forms of cancer

the phrase smoke and drink yourself to death is a very true one

besides taking regular exercise you must also ensure that you are getting enough

rest for example by making sure that you are getting plenty of sleep each and

every night

the sleeping process allows your body to unwind mentally while at the same time

recharging you physically

one two three

oh yeah it's okay I'm just exercising my word power

please yourself believe it or not it is possible to exercise too much you can do

too much exercise if you work out too often or try to push your body too far

then you run the risk of causing damage to your muscles and joints

it is better to do a little over a short time rather than a lot over a long time

especially if you are not used to taking exercise just one hour's exercise per

day should be enough to keep you feeling fit if you ever find yourself feeling

any pain or dizziness during exercise then you should stop for most people

daily moderate exercise with her once or twice weekly workout will be sufficient

remember over doing exercise can be just as bad as not doing it enough

there are many sporting activities that can give you a vigorous workout and help

keep you fit such as badminton football squash tennis and volleyball

another great activity is swimming which is good for giving you a relaxing to all

over body workout as you float in the water without all that tiring muscle


there has never been a time when the issue of health has been such a hot

topic are hectic lifestyles and the need for that magic quick fix from a burger

or a bar of chocolate has led to an ever growing proportion of is becoming

unhealthy eating less and exercising more are both easier said than done but

just like anything a habit can be changed or broken with a little

determination and willpower

it is possible to change the way you live and keep in shape

just an hour a day for a walk around the block or a couple of workout sessions

per week at the local gym can help you to stay as fit as a fiddle





that's better going out on a fine day for a spot of exercise is the best way

to keep your body in good condition

of course you don't always have to do something strenuous or tiring to stay


taking a brisk 30 minutes walk at least once a day is a great way to stay in


if the weather is not good then you can walk up and down the stairs in your

house a few times

the important thing is to work your body and tire it out a little

that is all for me for today

stay healthy and happy until the next time we meet

this is mr. Duncan in England saying thank you for watching me teaching you

and of course to talk for now



