Nurse in a War Zone


Sophie Baud is a Franch nurse. Here are extracts from her diary.

Sunday Aug 4th

When I arrived last week, I couldn΄t believe the number of people and tents. There are more than 25,000 refugees here, and hundreds of tents.

Tuesday aug 6th

Sometimes it΄s hard to imagine that I΄m in a war zone. Everyone dresses normally in jeans, T-shirts and trainers. Children and teenagers play football and basketball in the spaces around the tents. They play for hours because they are bored. There isn΄t much to do in a refugee camp. There is no TV to watch or cinema to go to.

Monday Aug 12th

My work here is very hard. There are no fixed hours. At the beginning, I was working over fifteen hours a day with almost no break. But I΄d rather work than sit and di nothing.

Wednesday Aug 14th

Today was particularly hard. It was very hot and a lot of old people fainted from the heat. Then a girl of fifteen called Mira was brought in to see me. She has a liver disease and is very ill. If she doesn΄t get to hospital soon, I think she will die.

Friday Aug 16th

Fortunately, many of the medical cases are only minor. People often cut their fingers and mouths on the sharp edges of the food tins.

Monday Aug 19th

There is a mental health of the team here too because a lot of people have psychological problems. They have seen some terrible things.

Wednesday Aug 21st

ve managed to send Mira to a hospital. This is very good news.

Friday Aug 23rd

Today was my last day. When I left the camp, my jeep was followed by hundreds of people saying goodbye. I΄d like to come back again soon. It΄s good to know thatve been of some use here.