Stop Saying Everything Is INTERESTING | Build Your Vocabulary with Advanced Synonyms


- Do you find yourself constantly describing things as,


Wouldn't it be better if you found some more precise words

to describe the things you're into?

Stick around to learn some new vocabulary words

that are synonyms with interesting.

So, today we are talking about all things interesting.

I've actually noticed that many English language learners

and students in general,

when they want to tell me about something wonderful,

something interesting that they've seen or watched

or know about, they always use this word.


How was the movie?


How was the book you read?


How was the show?

So interesting.

It's a good word to use but it only describes so much.

It's not very precise and today I want to teach you

how you can really talk about something

using more precise vocabulary.

So the words I'm talking about today,

they're all synonyms for interesting.

But they have slightly different meanings.

So, let's get to it!

Our first word is 'fascinating.'

And this is already better than interesting

because it means extremely interesting.

So, when somebody tells you about something that's

fascinating, you're not just interested.

You're completely into it.

You're so interested that you find it like, "Wow!"

- Fascinating!

- That's what's so fascinating!

- Dad loves muggles, thinks they're fascinating.

- It's not just like, "Yeah, yeah it was interesting,

blah, blah blah."

You're like, "Wow! This has got my attention completely.

It is fascinating."

The next word is, 'intriguing' and this one I really like.

Because I'm a very curious person by nature

and the definition is that, something intriguing is,

you know it arouses your curiosity

and it peaks your interest.

Really it has a little bit of a mystery to it

If something's intriguing, it just gets your attention

and you really want to find out more about it.

That's intriguing.

The next word is, 'thought-provoking.'

And just like I mentioned before,

if you're looking for a word to describe something

that makes you think, if you're maybe describing a

book or a movie that's really caused you to think

and maybe even caused you to think about something that

you've never thought before, this is a good word to use.


- Okay, what we're going for is serious,

insightful, thought-provoking radio journalism.

- Admit, it's thought-provoking.

- It's so much better than interesting, honestly.

Because it says so much more.

If it's thought-provoking it really makes you think.


Such a good word.

Can you guys see how excited I get?

Almost sounded like I'm sexually attracted to these words.

I'm not! I'm not insane.

The next one is, 'captivating.'

Captivating, another good word.

And this kind of means two things.

Attracting is one of them and then,

holding interest is another.

So, when something is captivating, first it attracts you.

'Cause to captivate means to grab your attention.

You can look at things that are captivating.

You see somebody, somebody's eyes,

somebody's look may be captivating.

But it really just means that something

that kind of grabs on and holds your attention.


(cat meows)

Yes? (cat meows)

What? (cat meows)


The next word is, 'enthralling.'


If you're having a hard time pronouncing this word,

don't worry it is a little bit difficult

because of the 'th' sound.

So, just keep practicing. Enthralling.

But what it means is that, if something's enthralling

it holds your attention completely.

You are so focused on this thing, it is enthralling.

So, the next word is another good one.

In fact, I think all of the words in this lesson

are really, really, really good.

It's wonderful because it has more meanings into one.

So, it is 'compelling.'

And if something is compelling it is,

it evokes your attention

but also admiration

and interest

kind of all into one.

- Silence, is more compelling.

- Great, story. Compelling. And rich.

- Sounds compelling.

- We use compelling for arguments,

like a compelling argument,

maybe will make you change your mind

if somebody has a compelling argument.

Something that is so powerful,

that it convinces you that something is true.

Or that something should be done.

- You made a compelling argument, yo!

- You call that compelling?!

- Compelling is kind of a call to action.

It makes you want to do something.

'Stimulating' is our next word.

And, it means that it's inspiring new ideas,

there's new enthusiasm,

just something that makes you feel more creative

and more refreshed.

That's stimulating, it's bringing all of these things

to your mind that are making you think about something

and it's making you really, really look at something

in a new and different way.


The next word is, 'appealing.'

And appealing is really three words in one.

It is, pleasing, it is attractive, and it is interesting.

Of course.

So, you can also use it when you're

talking about somebody's appearance

because it has that physical factor to it.

And not just describing a book or a movie

or something like that.

Our next word is, 'riveting.'

Riveting. Such a good word!

To describe something as riveting it means that it is

extremely interesting and exciting in the same time.

It is engrossing.

It is riveting.

Our next word is 'gripping.'

And if you know what gripping means,

it is to hold onto something tightly.

And that's what happens to your attention

when you are describing something as gripping.

Something is gripping, you're really into it.

So, what do you guys think?

Do you love these words as much as I do?

Let's find out because now, it's time to practice.

Okay, so because we're always looking for recommendations

in the comments I want you to tells us about

a movie that you saw that you found very interesting.

But, of course, of course, don't use interesting.

Use one of the words from this lesson.

Really looking for new things to watch all the time

and also, our other viewers are probably going to

want to see your recommendations as well.

Make sure to use the vocabulary words.

The more you use them

the better your chances of remembering will be.

I hope you found this lesson fascinating, captivating,

compelling, if you did please give it a thumbs up!

If you like what we do and want to show us some love,

please check out our Patreon page.

It's awesome.

The link is in the description.

Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time.

I forgot how to say,

check out our Patreon.

Mew? (cat meows)


(cat meows) Meow.

Okay, let's say (speaks in a foreign language).

Let's see that again, Georgie.

And what?

(cat meows)

(laughs) She's so chatty right now!