Like a red rag If you tend to forget Easy Questions Do, make, get, take The Farmer and his Sons A Holiday Report Going on foot Say vs. Tell Close vs. Shut At the Restaurant At the Theatre Popular Idioms Popular Garden Idioms Eating Out Hot and Cold A Collision: Finish this Story Will or Shall? The two Butter Frogs Cross Questions Leave me alone What now? Wrapped round her finger The Ants and the Grasshopper The Two Dogs The Hare and the Tortoise Who has done it? Life on Mars? Story (1) Story (2) Story (3) Go for it Eating Disorder Save the Day Yes, Yes, Yes Do you mind? Good Bye Keeping it Quiet A Crying Shame Speaking: At the Theatre Speaking: At the Supermarket Speaking: At the Station Speaking: The Broadcast Speaking: The Wedding Speaking: Political Party Cinemas Lots of Stuff Hear my Story High and Low A Night Out Lots of Pieces Testing, Testing Cliches Losing It (1) Losing It (2) How to ask a question How to attract someone How to compliment Modal Medley Christmas Postman (1) Christmas Postman (2) Christmas Postman (3) Christmas Postman (4) Tick Tock Company Decisions Save Our Animals (1) Save Our Animals (2) Save Our Animals (3) Simple Present (1) Simple Present (2) Simple Present (3) Simple Present (4) Simple Present (5) Tenses (1) Tenses (2) Tenses (3) Hotchpotch Student Teacher Dialogue (1) Student Teacher Dialogue (2) Student Teacher Dialogue (3) Phrasal Verb: Walk Charlie's Knees Paper expressions Verb Tenses English Tenses Conditional Tenses Sleep Expressions English tense explanations English tense explanations (2) Phrasal idioms with the verb 'come' Phrasal idioms with the verb 'look' Time clauses: future tense examples Phrasal idioms with the verb 'bring' Question / Response Test Short Idioms Exam Conversations and Comprehension Test Compound words: 'someone', 'anyone', 'somewhere' Phrasal idioms with the verb 'break' Financial and bank expressions Phrasal idioms with the verb 'run' Traveling Down Under: How can I immigrate to Australia? How to describe people: attitude expressions Comparison with 'as .... as' English grammar and vocabulary questions Compound words: 'aftermath', 'afterthought', 'afterbirth' Phrasal idioms with the verb 'drop' Phrasal idioms with the verb 'pass' Airport and flight travel expressions Digital cameras, photography and picture vocabulary Expressions with death, marriage and divorce Mobile telecommunication expressions Phrasal idioms with the verb 'pull' Phrasal idioms with the verb 'get' Phrasal idioms with the verb 'go' Phrasal Verbs (A to B) Phrasal Verbs (B to C) Action verbs and sports expressions English prepositions exercises 'This', 'that', 'these', 'those' Common subordinating conjunctions Reflexive and intensive pronouns Simple Present, Simple Past, Simple Future Expressions with 'ill': 'ill at ease', 'ill-mannered' Phrasal idioms with the verb 'fall' Phrasal idioms with the verb 'put' Reported commands: reported speech Doing business: expressions with the word 'business' Australiana: expressions that describe life in Australia Facts about pizza in the US: pizza industry expressions Who wants to be a millionaire? Pablo Picasso: expressions describing the Picasso's life Words in context: strong collocations Expressions with heart: 'heartache', 'heartthrob', 'heartburn' Phrasal idioms with the verb 'knock' Idioms and expressions with 'just': 'just about', 'just before' American President William Jefferson Clinton Idioms with the word 'hard' Compound words: 'head' Phrasal Verbs (C) Phrasal Verbs (D to F) Phrasal Verbs (G to H) Phrasal Verbs (H to L) Phrasal Verbs (L) Phrasal Verbs (L to P) Phrasal Verbs (P to R) Phrasal Verbs (R to T) Phrasal Verbs (T) Phrasal Verbs (T to W) Idioms about Animals Idioms about Food Prepositions of Time and Date (1) Prepositions of Time and Date (2) Prepositions of Time and Date (3) Prepositions of Time and Date (4) What Comes Next? (1) What Comes Next? (2) What Comes Next? (3) What Comes Next? (4) What Comes Next? (5) Quickies What comes next (the bill) What comes next (the letter) Antonyms (1) Antonyms (2) American English Idioms Confusing Words test (1) Confusing Words test (2) Confusing Words test (3) Confusing Words test (4) Confusing Words test (5) Confusing Words test (6) Confusing Words test (7) Confusing Words test (8) Confusing Words test (9) Confusing Words test (10) Confusing Words test (11) Confusing Words test (12) Airport Terminology (1) Bank Terminology (1) Bank Terminology (2) Common Phrases and Responses (1) Phrasal Verbs used with Criminal Activity Phrasal Verbs and Traveling Common Phrases and Responses (2) Common Phrases and Responses (3) Question Tags Test (1) Confusing Words test (13) Confusing Words test (14) Confusing Words test (15) A Sticky Moment Confusing Words test (16) Confusing Words test (17) Confusing Words test (18) Confusing Words test (19) Confusing Words test (20) 'Enough', 'a lot' and 'too' (1) 'Few', 'a little' and 'some' (1) 'Today', 'yesterday' and 'tomorrow' (1) Polite Indirect Questions & Statements Test (1) Travel Arrangements Test (1) Good, Well and Okay Test (1) Irregular Verbs Test (2) Irregular Verbs Test (3) Irregular Verbs Test (4) Irregular Verbs Test (5) Irregular Verbs Test (6) Irregular Verbs Test (7) Irregular Verbs Test (8) Irregular Verbs Test (9) Irregular Verbs Test (10) Irregular Verbs Test (11) Irregular Verbs Test (12) Irregular Verbs Test (13) Irregular Verbs Test (14) Irregular Verbs Test (15) Eating Idioms Literary Terms (1) Literary Terms (2) Literary Terms (3) Literary Terms (4) When do you say this? Reaching agreement The holiday of a lifetime If memory serves me right My computer and me Work and job expressions English Slang Idioms (1) English Slang Idioms (2) English Slang Idioms (3) English Slang Idioms (4) English Slang Idioms (5) English Slang Idioms (6) English Slang Idioms (7) English Slang Idioms (8) English Slang Idioms (9) English Slang Idioms (10) English Slang Idioms (11) English Slang Idioms (12) English Slang Idioms (13) English Slang Idioms (14) English Slang Idioms (15) English Slang Idioms (16) English Slang Idioms (17) English Slang Idioms (18) English Slang Idioms (19) English Slang Idioms (20) English Slang Idioms (21) English Slang Idioms (22) English Slang Idioms (23) English Slang Idioms (24) English Slang Idioms (25) English Slang Idioms (26) English Slang Idioms (27) English Slang Idioms (28) English Slang Idioms (29) English Slang Idioms (30) Warehouse and Logistics English Slang Idioms (31) English Slang Idioms (32) English Slang Idioms (33) English 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(2) Real Life: Using Body Parts as Verbs (3) Real Life: Talking on a Business Phone (1) Real Life: Apartment Hunting (1) Real Life: Occupations (3) Real Life: Occupations (4) Real Life: Relationship Titles (1) Real Life: Relationship Titles (2) Real Life: Returns and Refunds (1) Right, Left and Straight (1) Grammar Tutorial: Avoid Verb Tense Shifts (1) Grammar Tutorial: Avoid Verb Tense Shifts (2) Real Life: Habitats (1) Vocabulary Practice: Elephants Snow Words (1) Boat/Sailing Common Phrases (1) Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (2) Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (3) Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (4) Real Life: Vehicles and Transportation (5) Real Life: Circus Terms (1) Magical Words and Phrases (1) Magical Words and Phrases (2) Vocabulary Practice: Bees (2) Real Life: Christmas Vocabulary (1) Vocabulary Practice: Halloween (2) Real Life: Types of Buildings (2) Real Life: Types of Buildings (3) Real Life: Celebrations (1) Real Life: Education and People (1) Real Life: Healthcare Vocabulary (1) Real Life: Healthcare and People (1) Real Life: Healthcare Treatment (1) Using Adjectives (2) Using Adjectives (3) Using Adjectives (4) Using Adjectives (7) Real Life: Parts of the Body (1) Real Life: Parts of the Body (3) Real Life: Parts of the Body (4) Real Life: Examinations (1) Real Life: Aches and Health Issues (1) Real Life: The Body and Related Verbs (4) Real Life: The Body and Related Verbs (5) Real Life: Clothing Materials (1) Question/Response Test (3) Real Life: Driving Verbs (1) Dialogue Practice: Going to the Doctor (1) Classroom Items (1) Popular American Holidays Personal Hygiene Items (1) Feelings and Emotions (1) Daily Activities: Verbs (3) Vocabulary Practice: Going by Plane (1) Names (1) Common 'Change' Usage Colors (1) Colors (2) Colors (3) Colors (4) Colors (5) Grammar Tutorial: Correct Word Usage (1) Turtles: Vocabulary Practice (1) Creepy Spiders: Vocabulary Practice Very Scary: Word Usage (1) Grammar Crunch (1) Grammar Crunch (2) Grammar Crunch (5) Bats: Vocabulary Practice Getting to Know You Different Types of Containers (1) Different Types of Containers (2) Where, Why, What, When and How (2) Where, Why, What, When and How (3) Where, Why, What, When and How (4) Where, Why, What, When and How (5) Dialogue Practice: Making Reservations Dialogue Practice: Asking for Directions Dialogue Practice: Buying a Book Dialogue Practice: Ordering a Pizza Dialogue Practice: Going to the Bank Vocabulary Practice: Horses Vocabulary Practice: Cats Vocabulary Practice: Swimming Pools Airport Terminology (2) Airport Terminology (3) Vocabulary Practice: Swimming Pools (2) Vocabulary Practice: Going to the Library (1) Lions: Vocabulary Practice (2) Lions: Vocabulary Practice (3) Types of Cards (1) Types of Cards (2) 'Card' Common Usages (1) 'Card' Common Usages (2) 'Spell' Common Usages (1) 'Work' Common Usages (1) 'Work' Common Usages (2) 'Back' Common Usages (1) 'Back' Common Usages (2) 'Back' Common Usages (3) 'Back' Common Usages (4) 'Back' Common Usages (5) Down phrases Comparatives and Superlatives (4) Comparatives and Superlatives (5) Common 'Get' Usage (1) Common 'Get' Usage (2) Real Life: Emotions (1) Interviews (1) Look, See and Watch (2) Making Phone Calls (1) Interviews (2) Real Life: Relationship Titles (3) Look, See and Watch (1) More Common Errors (1) Vocabulary Practice: School Talk (1) Real Life: Marriage (1) Rewriting Sentences (1) Rewriting Sentences (2) Look, See and Watch (3) Look, See and Watch (4) Look, See and Watch (5) Dieting: Common Phrases (1) Dieting: Common Phrases (2) Vocabulary Practice: Moving (1) Real Life: Sports and Games (1) Real Life: Sports and Games (2) Real Life: Telephones (1) Phrasal Verbs: Computers (1) Phrasal Verbs: Computers (2) 'Guns Etc:' Common Usages (1) 'Guns Etc:' Common Usages (2) Rewriting Sentences (3) Rewriting Sentences (4) Rewriting Sentences (5) Rewriting Sentences (6) Stress (1) To Ban or Not to Ban Are you Assertive? Stress (2) I'm so Humiliated! Hitchhiking (1) Hitchhiking (2) Beyond Our Control? Going Through a Divorce Prisoners (1) Prisoners (2) 'Give' Common Usages First Impressions Culture Shock (1) Culture Shock (2) Graphs The Homeless (1) The Homeless (2) Fertility Issues Taxes Pregnancy Starting a Business: Phrasal Verbs In a Meeting: Phrasal Verbs Taxi Terms Winning the Jackpot! The History of Coffee City on the Seas Bedbugs!
ESL, Srednji nivo
English Slang Idioms (300)
"My friend has a car that I am thinking about buying. Could you inspect it for me to see if there are any mechanical problems with it and if it is worth buying?" Chris asked his best friend. Paul responded, "I don't have a lot of time in the next while to give it a detailed inspection but I can give it a once-......... for you and tell you if I see anything grossly wrong with it."
"Should I use Philips or Square Drive screws on my deck?" Matt asked Paul. Paul responded, "Strength-wise, they are one and the ......... to me. Comfort-wise, I think the Square Drive screws are easier to sink deeply."
"My grandfather is still alive but, unfortunately, has one foot in the .......... He is 90 years old and has both lung cancer and heart problems," Beth said to her friend when she asked if her grandpa was still alive.
He couldn't believe that he popped a tire, found his spare flat and then popped a friend's spare tire all before he got to the tire store. The fact that he still had to call a tow truck after all of that was truly one for the ......... in his opinion.
Ralph and Eric had a contest to see which of them could get better grades in college. They were tied for the longest time until the last exam. Eric was finally able to get ......... up on Ralph by getting an A on the test; whereas, Ralph only received a B.
"I am very hungry and am looking forward to getting my ......... worth at the all-you-can-eat buffet today. I am going to eat at least eight plates of food," Rob told Monica.
Everywhere she went, she seemed to bump into Tom. Now she worked with him. She had a one-night ......... with him about six months ago and asked him not to call her again after that. She just couldn't seem to get away from the guy.
The detective was happy to report that the murder of the young woman was an open and ......... case. There were two eye-witnesses who could identify the killer and the killer already confessed to the crime.
I like the open-......... policy the church has. It is the church's policy to welcome everyone — even if they had different beliefs.
This the hardest decision he has ever faced — order his troops to open ......... and kill others or sit tight and perhaps be killed themselves.